Hot gari with okro stew!

My first real post! I suppose I should include some kind of recipe as well. Here’s the recipe for the hot gari, a.k.a. gari ni atsi. It’s similar to Nigerian eba, I hear, but there’s a difference between Nigerian and Ghanaian gari so it’s not exactly the same. Here’s how I make gari ni atsi – with a microwave!


Gari – as much as you want

Water – enough to thoroughly wet the gari

  1. Pour gari into a microwave-safe bowl.
  2. Add enough water to wet it thoroughly. You want it soaked enough so it moves around when you shake the bowl but not so wet that there is water floating on top.
  3. Put it in the microwave quickly before the gari absorbs all the water
  4. Nuke it on high for 2-3 minutes
  5. Check consistency and nuke it for another minute if it’s not hot or sticky enough
  6. Enjoy!

That was easy, wasn’t it? Some people like to stir it afterwards with a banku stick and shape it into balls, but this is just perfect for me. You get the knobbly texture of regular gari on top with the stickiness of gari ni atsi beneath. Delicious! Try it with okro, kontomire, groundnut or palmnut stew today.

Hmm? You want a recipe for those stews as well? Heh heh, you’ll have to come back another time for those! Until then, enjoy!


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