Natural yogurt with fruit and honey

Yogurt with a little honey and a lot of fruit is one of my favorite breakfasts, especially when the weather is hot or when I don’t feel like eating anything heavy. It’s easy to prepare, goes down easily and leaves you feeling surprisingly full. What’s not to like?

You don’t even need a recipe, but just in case, here are the chief ingredients:

Natural yogurt (as much or as little as you want)
A little honey (to taste)
Fresh or dried fruit, cleaned and sliced into bite-sized pieces if necessary

Put the yogurt in a bowl, drizzle a little honey on top of it and top with the fresh fruit. Serve and enjoy! You can make it the night before and grab it from the fridge first thing in the morning to save yourself some time. It tastes even better that way because the fruit flavors and the yogurt all have time to mix and mellow down together. But freshly made is fine too!


You don’t have to use honey if you don’t want to – studies say it’s not all that much healthier than plain sugar, so I just use it because I like the flavor. Also I don’t care that much about health fads. Something will always get you in the end, so you might as well enjoy your food within reason. Either way you can cut out the sweeteners completely or experiment with other options like chocolate sauce, caramel sauce, jam, etc.

Same with the fruit, feel free to experiment. Some nice, kind person brought me blueberries from South Africa, so that’s what I used in this picture, but other fruit like bananas, pineapple, mango, raisins and other dried fruit, anything that’s not too sour will do nicely.

Here’s a variation I did with kiwi fruit as the fruit and dates as the sweetener. These dates were really, really sweet so no honey was needed. I ate it straight out of the container because, why not? 😉

More recently I’ve been playing around with topping yogurt with more crunchy stuff like homemade muesli, but that’s a post for another day. In the meantime, enjoy!

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