Easy breakfast – rice and egg drop soup

Still clearing up old photos I have on my hard drive for some reason. The disadvantage of that is that sometimes I can’t remember exactly how I cooked something. Or even why. I think in the case of the egg drop soup I had some leftover tofu I wanted to use up. I tossed in some other stuff as well. It’s a very simple breakfast to make when you don’t feel like the usual bread and tea or porridge. You just need:

Eggs – as many as you want
Stock/broth. Powdered is fine, and in a pinch you can dissolve a maggi cube in some water
Thinly sliced or precooked vegetables, meat or tofu as needed
A little light soy sauce for extra salt and flavour
A pinch of powdered pepper or curry powder

1. Bring the stock to a boil. No quantity given because it’s a very versatile recipe that’s hard to mess up.
2. Throw in your veggies and any meat if you’re using it. In this case I added some grated carrots, glass noodles and tofu. It would have been nice to get some green veggies in there for added colour.
3. Beat the eggs in a separate container until frothy.
4. Take the soup off the heat, stir the soup till you get a good circulating motion going then pour the beaten eggs in in a thin stream.
5. Wait a minute or two for the eggs to set then return the soup to the heat.
6. Bring it to a simmer again. Stir gently and add pepper, soy sauce and other spices to taste.
7. Serve immediately with rice or plain noodles.

There, that was simple enough, wasn’t it? It’s too late now, but I think it would have looked great if I could have stirred some chopped green onions in at the end. Or if I served it with a leafy salad on the side. I like a mix of colors in my dishes, though you wouldn’t know it to look at the stuff I’ve posted so far. We have a lot of dandelions growing in our backyard because of the rainy season, so they would be a good addition.

So that’s it! One day I’ll do a proper recipe with quantities and everything, but that day is not today. Enjoy!

Rice and chicken… stew? Soup?

It’s been almost a year since I last posted. I was ill around the end of the year and completely lost my appetite. After that I’ve just been too lazy. Especially lazy to write full posts with recipes and explanations about the various things I’ve been cooking. But that ends today… uh, maybe.

Today’s post is just an old picture I found on my phone SD card. Rice I know and chicken I recognize, but what is the rest of that grey stuff? The reason I posted it is a cautionary tale about buying frozen vegetables in Ghana. Apart from peas and maybe broccoli, I’d say don’t bother. You’ll only get mushy, weird-tasting stuff because the supermarkets don’t take good care of their frozen stuff all the way along the supply chain. It will thaw out and refreeze at some point, as anyone who has ever bought grainy ice cream will testify.

So this awam chicken… stew? Not only looked unappetizing but it also tasted very average, thoroughly unimpressive. Better to buy fresh vegetables if you can afford them, or canned if you want to use preserved. Even Ghana supermarkets can’t mess those up. A word to the wise is enough.

I really need a better camera, but I’m not going to make that an excuse for not posting.